Should you need to cancel or rebook your appointment, we ask that you give the office 24 hours notice.
You can cancel your appointment by leaving a voicemail with your first and last name, date of birth, the date of your appointment and briefly the reason for your cancellation.
However, please remember that we do not return voicemails to book appointments. If you are looking to rebook the appointment, you will need to speak with a receptionist or use our online booking system.
Missed Appointments and Late Cancellations:
If you miss an appointment or cancel/rebook within one hour of the scheduled appointment time, you may be charged a no-show fee.
Norfolk Family Medical
85 Norfolk St., Suite 305, Guelph, ON N1H 4J4
Copyright © 2018 Norfolk Family Medical - All Rights Reserved.
In the event of inclement weather, our office follows the guidelines of The University of Guelph.
If the University of Guelph is closed, our office will also be closed.
If you have an in-person appointment scheduled, it will be switched to a telephone appointment, unless otherwise notified by office staff.
All other appointments, virtual or telephone, will continue as booked.
Please check The University of Guelph website, or listen to CJOY radio for updates.